Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Homeward Bound - Day 4 ~ June 27th

We left Denver today around noon and heard thunder several times, although the sky was sunny and bright.  Quickly, that changed and we could see we were driving into a sheet of rain.  Lightening streaked down out of the sky as the rain poured down.  It was short-lived though, and soon the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds.  All day, the clouds moved around creating some very dramatic and artistic displays.  And all day, we continued to hear the rolling thunder, but no more rain fell.

Clouds in the Colorado Sky

Monday, June 25, 2012

Homeward Bound - Day 2 ~ June 25th

Resuming my blog is not easy.  I've written several things but deleted the words because they all kind of jumbled together and didn't make sense.  I thought writing some of my feelings down might be helpful, but they are constantly changing and hard to explain.  I think for now, I'm going to keep things simple.

When I saw this Sunflower today, I thought how tall and stately it was, and yet it keeps an aire of whimsey around itself that screams fun.  It has a goal and reaches for it... the sun.  By doing so, that Sunflower makes me smile.  I'm going to keep reaching.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 19 ~ Destination of Constant Change

After a fabulous night's sleep in Newton, Iowa, home of the Maytag Company, we got on the road around 10 a.m.  I had scoped out a Starbucks stop, in Newton no less, and found it was located in a HyVee Grocery Store.  This was a most perfect way to start the day, especially when we found the salad bar was filled with freshly cut fruit.  Funny how fruit seems to disappear from my diet completely when I travel.

Although we don't have destinations specifically carved in stone, we do have an idea where we are going.  For instance, we have been wanting to visit the Rocky Mountain National Park again since the first time we went over a Memorial Day weekend about 16 years ago, blizzard-like conditions kept us at the lower elevations.  Unfortunately, this year we will miss it again due to the wild fire in the Fort Collins area.  Not to worry.... we have a plan B.  Arches and Bryce!  I've been to both, but it was back in the film days, so I'd say it's about time!

We were all set to put miles on today working toward the goal of Moab, Utah, when I spotted the sign along the 80 saying we were entering Madison County.  Immediately, The Bridges of Madison County came to mind and with that we were off the 80 heading to Winterset.   We had a most splendid day driving all over Madison County visiting four of the bridges (Hogback, Cedar, Cutler-Donahoe, and the  most famous due to the book, the Roseman) all located on the dustiest, sort of clay-like roads I have ever seen.  After awhile the dust on our bodies mixed with the sweat started to feel like clay.  Did we care?  NO!

Hogback Bridge in Madison County

After the Roseman Bridge, we set our sights on Council Bluffs as a place to land for the night.  Deciding to take the less traveled route to get there is the bliss of traveling by car.  I love highways like the 80 due to the Internet connections we can get along the way, but really, those main highways are just plain boring.  When we get off them, funny... I could care less about Internet connections!  We were heading West when Scott asked, "Does that look like a storm brewing?"  Well, yeah, suddenly it was starting to get dark way too early.  Tho off the beaten track, I was still able to connect on the extended network long enough to find out that there was some incredible weather occurring in the Omaha area.  Last year's storms still remain in my mind and being in Iowa during severe weather is just plain frightening.  Now wanting to drive directly into it, we headed South.

Red Oak was South and had a Super 8, however, due to a car show, there were no vacancies.  Onward to Shenandoah, even further South.  This town has a Days Inn.  Now, we have stayed in some Days Inn and they are great, however, this one... well, okay.... staying positive.... this one has a fantastic shower with the best water pressure I've had all vacation!  I guess that counteracts the fact that as I got ready to drop one of the bags on the floor, out ran a huge spider.  I tried to kill it, and Bella thought I was playing a game so got right in there too.  I'm stomping my feet, yelling at her to get back and the spider escapes under the refrigerator.  Not one to give up, I began moving the fridge, when I catch sight of a spider, but I'm not sure it's "the one".  I quickly took care of that one, but continued to move the fridge.  Scott returned to the room with more of our stuff and helped me.  I guess it was "the one", but all night I've felt as if one is crawling on me.  Needless to say, nothing is on the floor and is tightly zipped for security.

We did not want to go back out so ordered pizza for delivery.  And, like I said, the shower was the best ever!  We opened a bottle of wine and had truffles for dessert.  Really, can it get much better?

The severe thunderstorm warning has been reduced to just a thunderstorm watch, and almost all of the red has changed to yellow and green on the weather radar.  Knowing that will allow me to relax and get a good night's sleep.  Storms are being reported for the next couple of days in this area as well as the Denver area where we plan to pass through.  this could damper some of our destinations along the way, but it keeps us in a state of unpredictability, which we just happen to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 18 ~ Destination Des Moines, Iowa

After a leisurely morning, which included Biggsby coffee and the clamor of children playing, we departed Grand Rapids by noon.  When Scott and I travel, we really only have a final destination in mind (this time it's home), so when I say in my title that our destination is somewhere, what it really means is that is where we ended up.  Everything is dependent on how we are feeling, how awake we are, if we are hungry, if Bella needs out of the car time, so you see how we roll.

That said, we had only driven about an hour and half when we made our first stop at The Chocolate Garden.  We had seen the sign on the trip in, and now we could not pass it up.  I'm glad we didn't.  The truffles made here have been featured on the Food Network and they have been named America's Best Chocolatier by America's Best Online.  After experiencing a taste test, I was sold!  Out of the samples, our favorites were the milk chocolate caramel and the salted dark chocolate.  Lucky for us, we can order online, too!

Truffle Tasting

The drive through the Chicago area was stressful as usual, but once through it, the rest was easy even through the construction areas.  It was nearing sunset as we got close to Des Moines.  The sky was not very cloudy, and I was not expecting much in the way of a sunset.  Still, we looked for a place to set up the tripods.  We saw a sign pointing into an Iowa State Park and there was a lake, so thought it might be a nice place to get the sunset while Bella ran around for awhile.  She's been a trooper on our travels.

We drove along the road and I thought to myself to be ready with my camera in case we saw a deer.  Instead, I saw some movement in the road and I let Scott know just in case he had not noticed.  He had, and slowed.  There on the road were two very juvenile raccoons trying to cross.  They had the good sense to go back to the side of the road, which made it perfect for me to get a good view.  All of a sudden Scott says, "G, get your camera."  Oh yeah... my camera.... DUH!  I don't work well under pressure, so my first shot was a terrible blur.  I really thought I would miss it, but then these two little twins went into a pose for me as if they do this every day for visitors.   I could not have asked for more looking out of a car window!


The sunset, as expected, was not that great, but the place for Bella to run around was fantastically huge.  It was great until she found the goose poo!  Why is it they always go for this kind of thing?  We now know two things that Bella would rather have than a doggy cookie...  A dirty rat head and a pile of goose poo!  In the animal world, they must be delicacies.

Our final destination was just outside Des Moines in Newton, Iowa, home of Maytag.  A late dinner at Montana Mike's Steakhouse was all it took to get sleepiness to set in.  Tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DAY 17 ~ Winding Down

Today was a full day and for some reason, I took no photos.  The morning was spent figuring out how to get an email link on my blog.  I'm still not sure it works, but I did manage to get it there.  In the late afternoon, we headed down to Kalamazoo once again for a last visit with Tami, Charlie and family.  We brought Jena and Lainey with us, and while Scott drove, all of us girls napped on the ride.  It was a pizza night and very relaxed.  It ended too soon.

I miss the midwest, not only because my family is all here, but because I genuinely appreciate a nice day when it comes along.   Since I pretty much only have nice days where I live now, I take it for granted.  The midwesterners jump for joy when the perfect day comes along.  My daughter, Beth, and son-in-law, Dean, lived in California for two years before heading back to the Midwest.  They used to jump for joy when it rained in California saying it broke the monotony.

Tomorrow we head back West.  I'm already looking forward to my next trip East in August!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 16 ~ View From the Top

A favorite place of mine is the Henderson Castle in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  It was built way back in 1895 by Frank Henderson, who was a successful businessman in Kalamazoo.  Over the years ownership has changed several times including being owned by Frederick Royce of the Rolls Royce family.  Laura and Peter Livingstone-McNelis are the current owners and run a hotel bed and breakfast, spa, and French restaurant.

In the past, I have visited for several garden/home tours and once went with a friend who was invited to a mixer for someone running for local office.  That was the best time as we got to see places that were off limits during the tours.  I'm thinking a visit here for the royal treatment might be a fantastic birthday treat for me!

Henderson Castle, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Across the street from the castle is the Mountain Home Cemetery.  Now, there are no mountains in Kalamazoo, but it is built on a steep hill and when the leaves fall off the trees, the view is astounding.  I would have loved to have seen the view, but have to say, I'm glad the leaves are on the trees since if they were off the weather would not have been even close to warm.

View from Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Michigan

We'll be heading home soon so squeezing in a lot of last minute family time.  We already have next year's trip on the calendar.  Can't believe our oldest grandchild will graduate high school!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 12 thru 15 ~ A Lot Going On

My blog has suffered as it has been a little hectic to say the least!!!  The weather continues to be sunny and has now gotten hot, which makes the park and the pool the perfect places to hang out with kids.  Besides the swings, water and hair-do creations, yummy food has been a daily event.  It's a good thing we've been active!  The high energy times will continue for the next three days and then we get back on the road where things will begin to wind down as we travel home.

Another fantastic thing about today, June 10th, is that Michael and Katie are celebrating their 12th Anniversary!  Congratulations, Mike & Katie!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 11 ~ Visiting Family

A Friend to Creatures
After the events of the morning, is it any wonder why I would be attracted to St. Francis?  My sister-in-law's, Kerry's, garden is filled with flowers and artistic sculptures. I missed the Iris in bloom but managed to get one that seemingly held on for me. 

We had a fantastic day visiting with Scott's family.  The weather has cooperated past our expectations in that it's mild, sunny, with gorgeous skies above.  It's been fun spending a lot of our visiting time on patios and porches, at baseball diamonds and parks, on the dunes and the lakes, and even eating outside. 

The entire family was not here today and they were certainly missed. Talked about, too!!!  :)  One thing we've learned over the years is, when planning a visit, it's impossible to wait until everyone might be available.  If we did that, we would likely never make it to Michigan at all.  So, we've learned to go when it's a good time for us, even if it means missing some this time around.  We've also learned that planning a year in advance might be a good idea!

Bella started feeling better and even got to play a bit with Mia, the Pug wonderdog.  Of course, after we got back "home", I discovered I had hardly taken any photos, but that is what happens when visiting family.  We get so caught up in catching up with the past, that the present waits patiently on the back burner.  That's what happens after two years of not seeing family!
Late Iris

Bella Emergency

Lainey and Bella at the Beach

How could it be possible for Bella to be doing this on Tuesday, and by the time she went to bed that night being in so much pain that she whimpered when we touched her?  By morning, she could not walk and I'm not exaggerating.  Scott called the veterinarian who opened the earliest and got an appointment for 9:20am.  By 7:45am, he wanted to go just wait in the office.  I suggested we wait until 8:30, but by 8:15, she seemed to be getting worse so off we went.  They took us right away when we arrived. 

Scott and I were scared.  Bella has become an important being in our life.  When I "rescued" her from the pet store, I honestly thought that I would have all the responsibilities of her care since Scott was used to huge dogs.  You know the kind.... a man's dog!  I couldn't have been more wrong.  We are both in it 100% for this little dog, and "attached" seems not a big enough word to describe our feelings for her.

Yesterday morning was scary and emotional.  Bella could not move her back legs.  She could not even get into a sitting position as we neared our appointment time.  If she tried to move, she yelped and whimpered.  The day before we had gone to the dunes and the beach, which didn't seen any more difficult than climbing mountain trails or our ocean beach.  She has hiked seven miles, walking the entire way.  She's a pro.  Which is why we were at a loss for what might have happened.  

Scott began to think that she might have ingested something and it was effecting her nervous system.  That was frightening because we had no clue as to what it might have been, if it were true.  We did have the presence of mind to retrieve her last stool sample out of the trash for testing.  

Not finding anything is difficult since then the only treatment is to manage the symptoms, which in Bella's case was pain.  There seemed to be no broken bones, nothing showed up in her stool sample, the ecg showed that her irregular heartbeat was because of the pain she was experiencing.  Our instructions were to give her a pill and keep her quiet.  I wasn't sure how the quiet part would go since she is such an active little thing, but because of the amount of pain, she hardly moved.....

....for a while.

By the time we got to our next destination (Scott's family), she was perking up.  We parked in the shade  with the windows down and let her rest for a couple of hours.  Scott took her out for a break and it was like a miracle had occurred.  She saw a bird and ran after it!  Mind over matter?  Miracle pill?  It was as if she had never had a problem at all.  By the time we left there, she was pretty much back to her normal self.

The reasons are a mystery, but one thing that is no mystery is how important this fluffy, black ball of energy is to us!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 10 ~ The Big Lake & Baseball

Many times when I mention that I'm from Michigan, people wince because they think only of the winters that can be harsh.  But, there are eight other months of weather and when it's good, it's very good.  Like today...  it was perfect, with the bluest sky, and the fluffiest of white clouds.  Perfect for a trip to Saugatuck for a long walk on the beach.

After a nice lunch at Coral Gables, it was time to get ready for some action at Corbin's baseball game.  I've been going to these since he was just a little guy and now he's nearly 13.  It's amazing how fast time goes by, but the proof is right here as Corbin runs to first!

Life is busy here and almost non-stop.  I'm already thinking about the vacation I'm going to need when I get home.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 9 ~ Rest & Relaxation

A beautiful, quiet morning at the lake, some time for quiet refection, followed by coffee and muffins with my sister and brother-in-law.  Sound ideal?  It was!  Some busy days ahead, and now I'm ready.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 8 ~ Made it to Michigan

Robin & Kayla ready to sail
The last day of a long journey and we finally arrived at the intended destination.  Already in progress was a family gathering.  I had told two of my sisters that we would be there, but would arrive late.  Somehow, even under the influence of wine, they managed to keep the secret and my mom was totally surprised at our arrival.  It was a great time seeing people again after a years time, and we even got to meet the newest members of the family, Ethan and Emma.  The weather could not have been more perfect and food was outrageously delicious.  Staying the night at the lake gave me the best night's sleep since we left California

Michigan in June presents in beautiful shades of greens and flowers popping up all over the place.  The mosquitos have not yet come to life, and the humidity hasn't set in.  This and October are my favorite times to be here.  Good thing I still remember the winters, or I might be renting a u-haul!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 7 ~ Another Long Day

Today we drove from Hayes, KS to Walcott, Iowa (close to Davenport).  We did very little stopping except for gas and food.  We did take time out to enjoy lunch in Atchison, KS, birthplace of Amelia Earhart.  Independence Park runs along the Missouri River and had a great grassy area for Bella to run wild for awhile.

Bella has been the World's Best Traveling Dog in my opinion.  She's just easy.  Being only six months old when we took her on her first across the country vacation probably played a part in how she has adapted to long periods in the car.  The only time we hear from her is is she has to "go" before we've made a stop or if we are parked and someone walks by with a hat on.  Her traveling demeanor is part of the reason I just can't leave her at a doggy hotel.  That and the fact that we spend most days side-by-side.  Can't believe I'm THAT kind of dog person!  I guess there are worse things.

Get it, Bella!!!

Memorial at Independence Park

Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 6 ~ Onward to Hayes, Kansas

When we left Taos, we didn't know where we would end up.  The goal was to get in the car and drive until we couldn't drive any longer.  We accomplished that, however, probably could have gotten further had we not stopped along the way.

We weren't even on the road for an hour when we came into San Luis, the Oldest Town in Colorado.  It's tiny and I was surprised to see an Expresso Bar in a rustic building right on the main street.  Scott took Bella for a walk while I went inside for coffee.  There was, indeed, a small coffee bar in there, but there was also a workshop.  I asked the guy serving coffee what the area in the back was used for and he told me a most amazing story.  

The schools in the area were losing funding for the arts, so some people in the community came together to make a place for emerging and established artists.  It is funded by donations, coffee sales and special events.   Run by volunteers, it is an impressive endeavor to say the least.

As we drove into town, we had spotted an interesting building on top of a hill.  I saw a painting of it inside the coffee shop so asked what it was.  It had the look of a temple, but found it was the Sangre de Cristo Catholic Church.  Of course, I was intrigued.  We were given the secret way in, which was the road.  The other option was to park and climb up the steep hill.  Looking down on the town later, I was incredibly thankful for those directions.

So, our day of putting miles on, got slowed a little, but we came away with a feeling of inspiration and peacefulness that lasted throughout the day and into the evening when we stopped along side a country road to photograph the best sunset of the trip so far.  Even with all the stopping we pushed through to Hayes, Kansas, which left about 16 hours to our destination in Michigan.  Almost there! 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 5 - Destination ~ Taos

It was a long day, on a long and winding road, but the views were spectacular and worth the extra time.  Tomorrow is a long driving day, so this is it for tonight.


Funny turn of events for our fifth day of travel in that both Scott and I knew we were going to Taos, however, thought we were going to Los Alamos.  In our minds we had such fond memories of Taos, like that cute little park across from Starbucks, and we wanted to visit again and relive that enjoyment.  As we neared Taos, I commented that I was not remembering any of the scenery we were cruising by.  Neither of us remembered the area being so run down and somewhat depressed.  Suddenly, and I don't know why, I turned to Scott and said, "That was Los Alamos we visited last trip, not Taos."  Things now were making sense.  Scott had tried to find the Ghost Ranch on the map and looked north of Taos, but told me it wasn't on the map.  Come to find out, it is, but it is north of Los Alamos.  Needless to say, the town we had enjoyed so much was Los Alamos, not Taos, and had we gone to where we thought we were going, I probably would not have missed the gorgeous sunset, we would not have been eating dinner at 9:15pm, and let's not leave out the fact that we would have enjoyed morning Starbucks in that cute little park!  Perhaps the name of this blog should be "Traveling With the Elderly!"  Now we can say we have been to Taos, and it's a pretty sure bet that we won't go back.  Writing down our travels is probably a good idea for any future trips.

Darrin Denny ~ Rock Artist

Darrin Denny, Canyon De Chelly Rock Artist ~ No, he's not a musician, but he is an awesome painter and also does etchings.  We met him at the Tunnel Overlook viewing area in the Canyon.  The Native Americans lay out their art creations at each stop.  Most say hello, but nothing more.  Darrin, however, went further by asking if we had just arrived in the Canyon, and so a conversation ensued.  He lives on the Navajo Indian Reservation and is part of the Naakaii Dine & Todik'=zhi (Navajo clans).  Since 1994, Darrin has been crafting one-of-a-kind rock paintings and etchings.  In his own words, he draws his inspiration  from the walls of the Canyon and uses various stones found in the area landscape. He told us a lot about the Canyon, including the fact that the lack of water is due to a dam that has been built to make a lake.  I asked if it was a lake for boating and he said yes, it is a recreational area.   Scott said that didn't seem fair, and Darrin's only comment was, "Agreed."  This kind of accepting attitude was witnessed time and again when talking with the Navajo people.  Rather than making a big deal of situations, they trust that the Creator will take care of them as they find new ways to cope.

The most impressive thing about Darrin was his trust.  Neither Scott nor I had enough cash on hand to pay for the piece we wanted to purchase.  I told him we just needed to find an ATM, and he gave us directions.  He wrapped up the piece, gave it to us, and said he would stop by our room at the lodge after he ran some errands.   Scott and I know we are trustworthy, but he had no idea.  This attitude of trust touched me deeply.  

Not only is the Darrin's artistry beautifully painted or etched onto the stone, but each piece tells a story.  The journey of the Navajo people is told on ours.  Whenever I look at it, I'll think of Darrin and his life on the Navajo reservation.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 4 - Destination ~ Canyon de Chelly

For as long as I have known Scott he has said, "Someday I want to go trek around Canyon de Chelly (pronounced shay, and is a National Monument).  Well, as most of you know by now, sometimes we don't make it to "someday", so time to get this one off Scott's list.

We didn't rush this morning.  In fact, we have not been rushing at all and it was only tonight that we looked at the clock in our car and realized it was an hour off.  Time hasn't mattered much except if we wanted to be out at sunrise or sunset.  The GPS was saying it was four hours to the Canyon, which meant one shift of driving each.  Scott drove us out of Sedona, I drove the boring 40 while listening to a country/western station on the radio, then Scott maneuvered the Indian roads, which weren't bad at all for two lane roads.

There was a point in the road where on the map it shows the green dots indicating a scenic route.  We grew increasingly concerned as the scenic road was not even as scenic as the I-40.  Of course, there was a lot of joking about it, but I really was thinking that this was going to be another "Odessa experience".

Odessa experience, you ask?  Yes.  During one of our trips across the country (hard to believe we have done this five times), Scott said we should go to the Odessa meteor crater since when he was 23 he passed it up when on a road trip because he could not afford the gas to go the extra 80 miles to see it.  Well, I am one for fulfilling lifelong dreams, and I thought it would be really cool to see a bonafide meteor crater.  Scott's two words to describe the Odessa meteor crater are, "Don't bother!"  It was more like someone had started to dig a basement and it had filled in over time.  Now, anytime we visit a place that is way less than we expected, we refer to it as the "Odessa experience."

We reached Chinle, the small town outside the Canyon, and we were still not convinced that this would be a good experience, but we kept driving.  We finally saw the sign directing us to the visitor center and then the Thunderbird Lodge.  After checking in, we drove to the end of the South Rim, Spider Rock Overlook and can say that we were not one bit disappointed!  The Canyon is beautiful shades of red, white, green, and the rocks actually sparkle in the sunlight.  Stopping at each overlook, we saw different aspects of the Canyon, including the fact that they do farming here.  All was good until the wind started ripping through with a sudden fierceness that left us wiping sand out of our eyes and coughing from the dust in our throats.

Heading back to the lodge we found what we thought might be a good place for sunset.  I think the difficulty here is that the Canyon is small and deep.  It's not like the Grand Canyon whose expanse across is probably as big as Rhode Island (hehe for all my East Coast friends).  Some light and shadow play made for a few good photos, but before the sun even went below the horizon, the Canyon went flat as if someone had just decided to leave and turned off the light.

All was good tho, since we were hungry.  The cafeteria here at the lodge is only open to 7:30pm so we knew we would have to go to Chinle for food.  I tapped into Yelp and found there was an A&W so we went all out!  It's been along time since I had a Coney Cheese Dog, and let me tell you it will be a long time before I have another one, too!  It was delicious, just as I remembered, and surprisingly, I have not had to eat a Tums.  As we were waiting for our food, we saw banana splits being served and there was just no way to resist that either.  I'm thankful we walked a lot today!

As we left the restaurant, a huge pack of dogs came running into the parking lot.  Over the years I have come a long way on my fear of dogs to the point of being able to actually put my hand out for a dog to sniff.  But, when I see them in a pack, I turn and get back inside as fast as I can without running.  Scott was at a loss of what to do, but a nice local came and herded them off.  Cultural differences.  I like my dog with me on a leash!

Off to Taos tomorrow, but before I end this tonight, the highlight of my day comes right after these words....  I've been to the desert on a horse with no name.....

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 3 - Sedona

Mix a girl, getting up before sunrise, extreme heat, on the go all day, and a glass of wine with dinner and what do you get?  Someone who is too achy and can't possibly create a blog!

The highlight of the day for me was a visit to the Chapel of the Holy Cross, thus the collage.  The history is interesting and if you would like to read more, here is the site.

We ventured to the vortex area of Cathedral Rock.  It was a little frightening to experience the lack of water here.  The last time we visited we waded in the stream and it was a refreshing respite from the heat. This time the stream was bone dry.  Not a drop of water in sight.  When we got back to the car after a short hike, I mentioned to Scott that I should have taken a photograph and compared the area to our last visit, but due to the heat and the dust, I didn't go back.  You'll just have to take my word on it!!

Bar vs. Table

 When traveling, Scott and I often sit at the bar rather than getting a table.  Why?  Because we always meet someone interesting!  Last night it was Mayling and her mother who is 86 years old.  Originally from Cuba, they now make their home in Miami.  The reason for their trip to Sedona is that Mayling is taking her mom to all the places that are left on her Bucket List.  We talked together for over an hour about life, traveling, family, jobs, food, and you name it!

Ed, the bartender at the Mesa Grill, which overlooks the runway of the small airport, heard Mayling talking about the bucket list.  He handed her a remote control device and told her to press the button five times.   She obeyed and suddenly the runway lit up right before our eyes.  It's the little things in life that make my day sometimes.  Of course, we "made friends" with the bartender two.  He made me his signature margarita that was possibly the best margarita I've ever had.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 2 - Destination ~ Sedona

Needles to Sedona...  It was more of the same....  barren land, trains running on both sides of the highway,  and dust blowing across the open expanses.  Due to starting my day on a sleep depravation status, I was soon turning the wheel over to Scott.  I dozed to the sounds of Country/Western tunes, and was pleasantly surprised when I opened my eyes 30 minutes later when I saw pine trees everywhere.  We started the decent into Sedona making one stop at a vista view.  We were on a mission to get to the lodge, settle in and venture out for sunset.  The plan was to spend on night here and I think part of that might have been the fact that neither Scott or I are into the tourist scene.  The actual town of Sedona was hopping, and at some point in my life would have been very enticing, but when we came to the opposite edge of town, I felt relieved to be out of the fray.

Our Aussie you-know-what was guiding us along to the Sky Ranch Lodge, which is located right next to the Sedona airport.  Scott had scouted out this pet-friendly place on the net.  He said it was only given 2-stars, but that the reviews averaged 4.8.  Well, it's an adventure, right?  And really, after spending yesterday in a Motel 6, what could possibly be worse?  

This place is not even close to a Motel 6.  It is fabulous. Gorgeous grounds, great views, and the airport doesn't operate at night since it's mostly helicopter scenic tours that use it during the day.  We are up on a huge hillside, overlooking Sedona.  Pathways meander through the property, and they have even made a beautiful patio just for viewing the sunsets.  The Mesa Cafe looks out onto the runway of the airport, and was the perfect place to have dinner.  Well, it's so great that we are staying an extra day!!

At some point I'm going to tell a story about the people we've met so far.  Some highlights include bucket lists and runway lights.  Now, though, I'm heading for my pillow as sunrise is right around the corner.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 01 - Destination ~ Needles, California

Due to technical difficulties and, I'll admit, Mac operator error, this will be short tonight.  The good news is, I think I have it figured out!

One thing I like about road trips is the amount of stuff I can bring along.  Over the years, Scott has become an expert at arranging everything by a sort of "need to get to" system.  Had we decided to fly, we each would have brought one suitcase and one carry-on, so why we need all this stuff is a bit comical to me when I really think about it.  Then there is the added chore of getting all the valuable stuff into the motel room.  After tonight, I think Scott might be considering some kind of pack animal over a dog.

Speaking of dog...  Bella is an excellent traveler.  She either sleeps or sits quietly watching the World go speeding by.  Every time we stop, she gets out too and she's quickly learned the routine.  Last time we traveled like this with her, she was only six months old.  Two years has made a huge difference in how often we have to stop for her and, although she preferes it, she no longer requires only grassy areas as her relief station.

We arrived at our destination, Needles California, just a bit later than we had thought since we spent some time in Ludlow so we could stretch and take some pictures.  We decided to drive along Route 66 for a bit, and were surprised when we went 70 miles on it since there was no way back onto the highway before that.  There is not much to see along that route except for Joshua trees, trains, and a few cars.    We made a bet on how many trains we would see before we got back on the main road.  I said three, and Scott said seven.  I thought he was nuts but, sure enough, there were seven, which ended up being four more than cars we saw.

Reservations for this trip have not been made in advance.  We are winging it since we have a tendency to wake up in the morning and say, hey, instead of going there, lets head over that way.  So far it's worked, but this is only the first night.  I really thought there would be plenty of open motel rooms in Needles, because who would want to spend Memorial Day weekend here?  Well, of course people will spend warm holidays in Needles!  The Colorado River meanders around it!!  The parking lots are filled with cars towing boats and jet skis.  Thanks to, we were able to get a pet friendly room at the Motel 6 (yeah, the light was on), which is the same place we stayed last time we were traveling East.  Not the best room I've seen, but certainly not the worst either.

The photo collage is an overall statement of the day.  The only thing missing is a picture of Juicy's Famous River Cafe where we ate dinner.  I was so hungry, I forgot to take a picture first.

So, by now you are probably thinking, if this is short what will an ordinary entry look like?  Ok, so I got carried away!  

More tomorrow.....