Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 16 ~ View From the Top

A favorite place of mine is the Henderson Castle in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  It was built way back in 1895 by Frank Henderson, who was a successful businessman in Kalamazoo.  Over the years ownership has changed several times including being owned by Frederick Royce of the Rolls Royce family.  Laura and Peter Livingstone-McNelis are the current owners and run a hotel bed and breakfast, spa, and French restaurant.

In the past, I have visited for several garden/home tours and once went with a friend who was invited to a mixer for someone running for local office.  That was the best time as we got to see places that were off limits during the tours.  I'm thinking a visit here for the royal treatment might be a fantastic birthday treat for me!

Henderson Castle, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Across the street from the castle is the Mountain Home Cemetery.  Now, there are no mountains in Kalamazoo, but it is built on a steep hill and when the leaves fall off the trees, the view is astounding.  I would have loved to have seen the view, but have to say, I'm glad the leaves are on the trees since if they were off the weather would not have been even close to warm.

View from Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Michigan

We'll be heading home soon so squeezing in a lot of last minute family time.  We already have next year's trip on the calendar.  Can't believe our oldest grandchild will graduate high school!


  1. What I find astonishing about the fact that our oldest grandson just finished his junior year is that, "He was born on MY WATCH." G and I have been together quite a long time.
