Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DAY 17 ~ Winding Down

Today was a full day and for some reason, I took no photos.  The morning was spent figuring out how to get an email link on my blog.  I'm still not sure it works, but I did manage to get it there.  In the late afternoon, we headed down to Kalamazoo once again for a last visit with Tami, Charlie and family.  We brought Jena and Lainey with us, and while Scott drove, all of us girls napped on the ride.  It was a pizza night and very relaxed.  It ended too soon.

I miss the midwest, not only because my family is all here, but because I genuinely appreciate a nice day when it comes along.   Since I pretty much only have nice days where I live now, I take it for granted.  The midwesterners jump for joy when the perfect day comes along.  My daughter, Beth, and son-in-law, Dean, lived in California for two years before heading back to the Midwest.  They used to jump for joy when it rained in California saying it broke the monotony.

Tomorrow we head back West.  I'm already looking forward to my next trip East in August!


  1. eMail link worked. I received a notification that included: 3 links and the contents of the three Blogs you published yesterday.
