Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 5 - Destination ~ Taos

It was a long day, on a long and winding road, but the views were spectacular and worth the extra time.  Tomorrow is a long driving day, so this is it for tonight.


Funny turn of events for our fifth day of travel in that both Scott and I knew we were going to Taos, however, thought we were going to Los Alamos.  In our minds we had such fond memories of Taos, like that cute little park across from Starbucks, and we wanted to visit again and relive that enjoyment.  As we neared Taos, I commented that I was not remembering any of the scenery we were cruising by.  Neither of us remembered the area being so run down and somewhat depressed.  Suddenly, and I don't know why, I turned to Scott and said, "That was Los Alamos we visited last trip, not Taos."  Things now were making sense.  Scott had tried to find the Ghost Ranch on the map and looked north of Taos, but told me it wasn't on the map.  Come to find out, it is, but it is north of Los Alamos.  Needless to say, the town we had enjoyed so much was Los Alamos, not Taos, and had we gone to where we thought we were going, I probably would not have missed the gorgeous sunset, we would not have been eating dinner at 9:15pm, and let's not leave out the fact that we would have enjoyed morning Starbucks in that cute little park!  Perhaps the name of this blog should be "Traveling With the Elderly!"  Now we can say we have been to Taos, and it's a pretty sure bet that we won't go back.  Writing down our travels is probably a good idea for any future trips.


  1. It was really a nice day....just TOO LONG.


    "We traveled too far to get to where we didn't think we were going to be when we got here."

    If I insist on traveling roads I have never traveled before, why would I think I would get to a place I had already been?

    My video version of the day is at:

  2. An absolutely beautiful day here in IN. You know...I can't even describe it other than its much easier too sit here and watch the bird feeders, the Jungle in our front yard for privacy, and just to know I've been everywhere back in my past and I'm done with it till my next life!
    Good Job writing! Oh, and don't forget...I'm 64 now, so live it up! LOL
