Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Homeward Bound - Day 4 ~ June 27th

We left Denver today around noon and heard thunder several times, although the sky was sunny and bright.  Quickly, that changed and we could see we were driving into a sheet of rain.  Lightening streaked down out of the sky as the rain poured down.  It was short-lived though, and soon the sun began to peek out from behind the clouds.  All day, the clouds moved around creating some very dramatic and artistic displays.  And all day, we continued to hear the rolling thunder, but no more rain fell.

Clouds in the Colorado Sky

Monday, June 25, 2012

Homeward Bound - Day 2 ~ June 25th

Resuming my blog is not easy.  I've written several things but deleted the words because they all kind of jumbled together and didn't make sense.  I thought writing some of my feelings down might be helpful, but they are constantly changing and hard to explain.  I think for now, I'm going to keep things simple.

When I saw this Sunflower today, I thought how tall and stately it was, and yet it keeps an aire of whimsey around itself that screams fun.  It has a goal and reaches for it... the sun.  By doing so, that Sunflower makes me smile.  I'm going to keep reaching.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 19 ~ Destination of Constant Change

After a fabulous night's sleep in Newton, Iowa, home of the Maytag Company, we got on the road around 10 a.m.  I had scoped out a Starbucks stop, in Newton no less, and found it was located in a HyVee Grocery Store.  This was a most perfect way to start the day, especially when we found the salad bar was filled with freshly cut fruit.  Funny how fruit seems to disappear from my diet completely when I travel.

Although we don't have destinations specifically carved in stone, we do have an idea where we are going.  For instance, we have been wanting to visit the Rocky Mountain National Park again since the first time we went over a Memorial Day weekend about 16 years ago, blizzard-like conditions kept us at the lower elevations.  Unfortunately, this year we will miss it again due to the wild fire in the Fort Collins area.  Not to worry.... we have a plan B.  Arches and Bryce!  I've been to both, but it was back in the film days, so I'd say it's about time!

We were all set to put miles on today working toward the goal of Moab, Utah, when I spotted the sign along the 80 saying we were entering Madison County.  Immediately, The Bridges of Madison County came to mind and with that we were off the 80 heading to Winterset.   We had a most splendid day driving all over Madison County visiting four of the bridges (Hogback, Cedar, Cutler-Donahoe, and the  most famous due to the book, the Roseman) all located on the dustiest, sort of clay-like roads I have ever seen.  After awhile the dust on our bodies mixed with the sweat started to feel like clay.  Did we care?  NO!

Hogback Bridge in Madison County

After the Roseman Bridge, we set our sights on Council Bluffs as a place to land for the night.  Deciding to take the less traveled route to get there is the bliss of traveling by car.  I love highways like the 80 due to the Internet connections we can get along the way, but really, those main highways are just plain boring.  When we get off them, funny... I could care less about Internet connections!  We were heading West when Scott asked, "Does that look like a storm brewing?"  Well, yeah, suddenly it was starting to get dark way too early.  Tho off the beaten track, I was still able to connect on the extended network long enough to find out that there was some incredible weather occurring in the Omaha area.  Last year's storms still remain in my mind and being in Iowa during severe weather is just plain frightening.  Now wanting to drive directly into it, we headed South.

Red Oak was South and had a Super 8, however, due to a car show, there were no vacancies.  Onward to Shenandoah, even further South.  This town has a Days Inn.  Now, we have stayed in some Days Inn and they are great, however, this one... well, okay.... staying positive.... this one has a fantastic shower with the best water pressure I've had all vacation!  I guess that counteracts the fact that as I got ready to drop one of the bags on the floor, out ran a huge spider.  I tried to kill it, and Bella thought I was playing a game so got right in there too.  I'm stomping my feet, yelling at her to get back and the spider escapes under the refrigerator.  Not one to give up, I began moving the fridge, when I catch sight of a spider, but I'm not sure it's "the one".  I quickly took care of that one, but continued to move the fridge.  Scott returned to the room with more of our stuff and helped me.  I guess it was "the one", but all night I've felt as if one is crawling on me.  Needless to say, nothing is on the floor and is tightly zipped for security.

We did not want to go back out so ordered pizza for delivery.  And, like I said, the shower was the best ever!  We opened a bottle of wine and had truffles for dessert.  Really, can it get much better?

The severe thunderstorm warning has been reduced to just a thunderstorm watch, and almost all of the red has changed to yellow and green on the weather radar.  Knowing that will allow me to relax and get a good night's sleep.  Storms are being reported for the next couple of days in this area as well as the Denver area where we plan to pass through.  this could damper some of our destinations along the way, but it keeps us in a state of unpredictability, which we just happen to enjoy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 18 ~ Destination Des Moines, Iowa

After a leisurely morning, which included Biggsby coffee and the clamor of children playing, we departed Grand Rapids by noon.  When Scott and I travel, we really only have a final destination in mind (this time it's home), so when I say in my title that our destination is somewhere, what it really means is that is where we ended up.  Everything is dependent on how we are feeling, how awake we are, if we are hungry, if Bella needs out of the car time, so you see how we roll.

That said, we had only driven about an hour and half when we made our first stop at The Chocolate Garden.  We had seen the sign on the trip in, and now we could not pass it up.  I'm glad we didn't.  The truffles made here have been featured on the Food Network and they have been named America's Best Chocolatier by America's Best Online.  After experiencing a taste test, I was sold!  Out of the samples, our favorites were the milk chocolate caramel and the salted dark chocolate.  Lucky for us, we can order online, too!

Truffle Tasting

The drive through the Chicago area was stressful as usual, but once through it, the rest was easy even through the construction areas.  It was nearing sunset as we got close to Des Moines.  The sky was not very cloudy, and I was not expecting much in the way of a sunset.  Still, we looked for a place to set up the tripods.  We saw a sign pointing into an Iowa State Park and there was a lake, so thought it might be a nice place to get the sunset while Bella ran around for awhile.  She's been a trooper on our travels.

We drove along the road and I thought to myself to be ready with my camera in case we saw a deer.  Instead, I saw some movement in the road and I let Scott know just in case he had not noticed.  He had, and slowed.  There on the road were two very juvenile raccoons trying to cross.  They had the good sense to go back to the side of the road, which made it perfect for me to get a good view.  All of a sudden Scott says, "G, get your camera."  Oh yeah... my camera.... DUH!  I don't work well under pressure, so my first shot was a terrible blur.  I really thought I would miss it, but then these two little twins went into a pose for me as if they do this every day for visitors.   I could not have asked for more looking out of a car window!


The sunset, as expected, was not that great, but the place for Bella to run around was fantastically huge.  It was great until she found the goose poo!  Why is it they always go for this kind of thing?  We now know two things that Bella would rather have than a doggy cookie...  A dirty rat head and a pile of goose poo!  In the animal world, they must be delicacies.

Our final destination was just outside Des Moines in Newton, Iowa, home of Maytag.  A late dinner at Montana Mike's Steakhouse was all it took to get sleepiness to set in.  Tomorrow is another day.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DAY 17 ~ Winding Down

Today was a full day and for some reason, I took no photos.  The morning was spent figuring out how to get an email link on my blog.  I'm still not sure it works, but I did manage to get it there.  In the late afternoon, we headed down to Kalamazoo once again for a last visit with Tami, Charlie and family.  We brought Jena and Lainey with us, and while Scott drove, all of us girls napped on the ride.  It was a pizza night and very relaxed.  It ended too soon.

I miss the midwest, not only because my family is all here, but because I genuinely appreciate a nice day when it comes along.   Since I pretty much only have nice days where I live now, I take it for granted.  The midwesterners jump for joy when the perfect day comes along.  My daughter, Beth, and son-in-law, Dean, lived in California for two years before heading back to the Midwest.  They used to jump for joy when it rained in California saying it broke the monotony.

Tomorrow we head back West.  I'm already looking forward to my next trip East in August!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Day 16 ~ View From the Top

A favorite place of mine is the Henderson Castle in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  It was built way back in 1895 by Frank Henderson, who was a successful businessman in Kalamazoo.  Over the years ownership has changed several times including being owned by Frederick Royce of the Rolls Royce family.  Laura and Peter Livingstone-McNelis are the current owners and run a hotel bed and breakfast, spa, and French restaurant.

In the past, I have visited for several garden/home tours and once went with a friend who was invited to a mixer for someone running for local office.  That was the best time as we got to see places that were off limits during the tours.  I'm thinking a visit here for the royal treatment might be a fantastic birthday treat for me!

Henderson Castle, Kalamazoo, Michigan

Across the street from the castle is the Mountain Home Cemetery.  Now, there are no mountains in Kalamazoo, but it is built on a steep hill and when the leaves fall off the trees, the view is astounding.  I would have loved to have seen the view, but have to say, I'm glad the leaves are on the trees since if they were off the weather would not have been even close to warm.

View from Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Michigan

We'll be heading home soon so squeezing in a lot of last minute family time.  We already have next year's trip on the calendar.  Can't believe our oldest grandchild will graduate high school!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 12 thru 15 ~ A Lot Going On

My blog has suffered as it has been a little hectic to say the least!!!  The weather continues to be sunny and has now gotten hot, which makes the park and the pool the perfect places to hang out with kids.  Besides the swings, water and hair-do creations, yummy food has been a daily event.  It's a good thing we've been active!  The high energy times will continue for the next three days and then we get back on the road where things will begin to wind down as we travel home.

Another fantastic thing about today, June 10th, is that Michael and Katie are celebrating their 12th Anniversary!  Congratulations, Mike & Katie!!!